Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chive Flowers!

I just got back from Ohio where I was visiting my family. My dad is growing chives. I had no idea they have such beautiful flowers.

He is also growing asparagus. Unfortunately, those are the only two things he is successfully growing because the deer eat everything. I mean, everything. The deer love the asparagus but my dad has it fenced off so they can't get to it. Thank goodness.

He used to have flowers all around the house and a huge garden. Because they are tearing down forests in surrounding cities, the deer are foraging for food in people's yards and gardens....and eating everything. Such a shame really. They are just innocent hungry animals that have no choice.:(

On a lighter note, if you like these pictures, I have them for sale here. They are high quality prints on canvas. All pics are taken and edited by moi. :)


  1. My sis in Ithaca has the same deer problem. I'm lucky here that it's so wild, the deer are too shy to come to my house or my garden.
    Nice pix, BTW!!

    1. Thanks Ronna. That's great that your deer don't bother you or your garden! Not so great for your sister. :/

  2. We always had chives around our yard when I was a little girl. I always thought they were just a beautiful purple puff ball. Although back then you couldn't get me to eat them!
    Today I have a small potted chive on my balcony and love to use it with eggs and salads.

    1. I don't use chives nearly as much as I should. It will definitely be an addition next time I make eggs. Do chives do well in pots? I would have to do that if I grow them since I don't have a garden.

  3. thank you for still reading!
    that chive photo is a cracker!
